Modern Slavery Statement


Unify Energy is publishing this statement under the provision of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ‘Act’). The Act requires the business to state the actions we have taken during the financial year to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our operations and supply chains. Modern slavery has no place in our business or supply chains and we take a zero tolerance approach to it. We are strongly committed to playing our part in eradicating modern slavery This statement sets out the steps Unify Energy has taken, and is proposing to take to address the risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place in its business and within its supply chain. 

About Unify Energy

Unify Energy supplies and manages business energy for landlords, managing agents, and tenants. We’re the only energy supplier to offer an end-to-end solution from supply, sub-meter management through to billing. We supply energy and help our customers manage it by connecting the energy coming into the building with the end user. 

Unify Energy is part of the Bruntwood group. This means we share the same customer centric approach, purpose and values in everything we do. We’re committed to more than offering a better approach to commercial energy supply and management. Everything we do is tied into our vision of building vibrant communities, whilst supporting businesses and cities to develop more sustainable ways of sourcing and using energy.

Our mission is to champion all the customers we supply energy to: including those forgotten customers, the tenant businesses, who traditionally aren’t afforded a direct relationship with their supplier or the protection of OFGEM.

All companies within the Bruntwood group operate under unified management and control and are owned by the Oglesby family.

Our purpose

At the heart of everything our colleagues do is our core purpose – creating thriving cities. This purpose is underpinned by our values. Our commitment to help eradicate modern slavery aligns closely with our values. The company has a low risk of slavery or human trafficking among our workforce. Our business is within the UK and accordingly our geographic risk of slavery and human trafficking is considered to be low. 

Our suppliers

We have both direct suppliers and subcontractors providing goods and services to Unify Energy. These suppliers range in size from small owner managed businesses to larger regional and national companies. Unify Energy does not consider its risks associated with other suppliers, such as bankers, accountants and other professional service providers to be material. 

We are committed to conducting its business in a lawful and ethical manner. In particular, we will not tolerate slavery and/or human trafficking. Unify Energy expects its suppliers, contractors and service providers (“Suppliers”) to also support the elimination of such practices. Our values reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and our systems and controls ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains. We expect all of our Suppliers to comply with our policy and a copy of the policy has been sent to all our suppliers following its launch. 

Unify Energy expects all of its suppliers, contractor and service providers to act ethically, with integrity and to have in place effective systems and controls to combat modern slavery place anywhere in their own business or in any of their supply chains. Before a new supplier, contractor or service provider is approved, appropriate due diligence on the supplier will be carried out. As part of the process, the supplier’s policies will be reviewed or they will be required to adhere to our policy if they do not have their own policy in this area. New suppliers will only be approved once they have completed this due diligence process.

Unify Energy will view any breaches by a supplier of these practises or the supplier’s contractual commitments (if any) very seriously. Breaches may result in Unify requiring an immediate remediation plan. We may also terminate our relationship with any supplier that is in breach or fails to cooperate with remedying a breach. We will continue to monitor the safeguards listed above and consider implementation of further measures if required. We know that the risk of Modern Slavery is dynamic and ever-evolving. For this reason, we intend to regularly review our approach to assessing and mitigating the risk of Modern Slavery.